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New look for HEE

18 November, 2015 Reading: 2:23 mins

The team here at KISS has completed a successful rebrand and new website for Health Enterprise East (HEE).

New look for HEE

The team here at KISS has completed a successful rebrand and new website for Health Enterprise East (HEE), a technology advisory services and innovation management organisation. HEE helps both industry and the NHS address the challenges faced along the product development pathway.

KISS began this project by facilitating a concise brand articulation workshop. The objective of this workshop was to ensure that all key stakeholders were aligned on where they wanted to take the brand. We facilitated a half day workshop which enabled HEE to articulate their Why, How, What – their higher purpose, how they will achieve that and what it is they actually do. In addition, KISS helped HEE to define their brand tone of voice and to clearly prioritise their target audiences.

The output of the workshop formed the basis of a creative brief for the re-branding project. The creative team then worked on evolving the HEE logo and brand identity.

Dill Hill, Head of Design explains:

“The final logo design is very clean with three core colours representing HEE’s three service areas: Define, Explore and Realise. Key to the logo and visual identity development was to avoid the logo being overpowered by the NHS blue that is resonant in the healthcare industry. Instead the logo is supported by a blue strapline to highlight the grounding of HEE in the healthcare market.”

Once the logo and brand identity had been agreed, KISS went on to roll this out across key collateral, both off and online.

A key part of the implementation was to develop a new website. As with all sites designed by KISS, this site was designed to be mobile-first. The site needed to reflect the cutting edge services that HEE offer, and to communicate exactly what HEE do in this niche market. Original and innovative imagery was a challenge on this project, and so content became even more crucial to its success. Previously web content was led by industry but KISS advised on a strategic decision to reposition their proposition by service. Case studies are being used to put the services into real life context.

We have worked with HEE for 3 years on a number of big and small projects, from producing marketing collateral to exhibition stands.

Commenting on this latest project, Chris Armstrong, Marketing Manager at HEE, said: > “It has always been a pleasure working with the guys at KISS and the rebranding, website refresh of HEE was no different. At times it was a challenging project but KISS managed to take on board often complex briefs and deliver a new website, logo and definition and repositioning of our services. The new website and brand have all been extremely well received by our key stakeholders and clients.”

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